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This is the last portfolio of the year and of english highschool experience. I Think that we have worked a lot and I belive that we have learnt to write more fluid and with more variated vocabulary. But it's true that it had been to work because we have done a hard efford to make it nice, correct and to prepare it for the date that it have to be done. Despite of that, In my opinion because I like do it and I like new technologies, it's a work that helps us to improve our level, and our knowledge about blogs and internet comunications. Take care =)

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sábado, 9 de mayo de 2009

My English 2007-2009  

Analyse your work (5points)
Written documents

The English language is one that I like. When I was little, I was going to summer classes and I studied in three weeks everything that is customary to study in three months. So I could go to high school quiet. But when I came to Batxillerat, everything changed. Probably since the 2nd or 3rd ESO we had no discipline with the language. But now, with these two years, despite having so much work, the fact of so many texts that has served me greatly to improve fluency.

The first composition that was the e-mail It’s less complete than the last composition that I’ve made about Toxic Friends and pshychologists. I can see that in the e-mail I don’t use a lot of connectors and varied vocabulary. Conversely, in the writing about the psychologists the vocabulary is more varied and I use more connectors such as "spite of that," Nowadays” ... In the e-mail I use only “well” that is the most comon one. I can also see that before the sentences were long and looked like a twister because I did not have time to put dots or commas, and I had a text with too many subordinate phrases and many verbs, not because I dind’t know how to link to all the sentences.

But now I see that I find easier to write. I write with more fluency, more vocabulary and less excess subordinate phrases. I make good cohesive sentences giving coherence to the text (with Concerning the structure, siemple fact is that now I use better connectors, that allows me to perform better structured texts. The e-mail remains a discourse (all that comes to mind is worded), but in the Toxic Friends, we can see a structure. An introduction, an explanation, an argument and a conclusion.


last coposition (Toxic Friends):

First and last oral presentation

The first oral presentation That I have chosen I did it in first of batxillerat. I remember I was very nervous. I said many foolish things they did not have much meaning (like sa that I lived there because it was decided by my parents). I also spoke very slowly and I stopped at every moment for what I think I wanted to say.
Often I lost the head that I wanted to explain the content and had to substitute other, so that dind't left me do a right presentation. I put somenthing catalan/swpanish connectors like "bueno", "no sé", "si.." and at the same moment that I was saying that I was thinking that I musn't say it and then I became more nervous.

The last oral presentation I have put is the London Tv Programme. why? Because I think that is the best one that I'have made. I think that now I use more
connectors, I'm more confidence with my self and if I have to improvise I'm not afrait to it. Moreover I have evolved in use of vocabulary. Before I had a basic vocabulary. Although I knew to use language well, verbs, verbal timepos, etc, I hadn't vocabulary higher or more extensive.
Therefore, through do oral presentations and have had to look up words, I have learned words, phrases, connectors, appointments ...
I'm embarrassed to speak English with people I'm used to dealing in Catalan, however, if I have to talk to foreign people in English not bother me. I enjoy speak in English. I
think that is the reason that I'm more fluent in the oral presentation done in England, because it was no body that knows me and I was blithe, than in the first one in front of the class.

What next?

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